he takes the firm ground that the forest agency should not cut down primeval forests indiscriminately 意味

  • 林野庁はむやみに原生林を伐採すべきではないという強い意見を抱いている


        cut down forests:    森を伐採{ばっさい}する
        primeval forest:    primeval forest 原始林 げんしりん 原生林 げんせいりん
        cut down a forest:    山林{さんりん}を伐採{ばっさい}する
        inhabit the primeval forests:    開発{かいはつ}されていない[開発{かいはつ}の手が入っていない?自然{しぜん}のままの?人の手が入っていない?未開{みかい}の]森[森林{しんりん}]に生息{せいそく}する
        undeveloped primeval forest:    未開発{みかいはつ}の原始林{げんしりん}
        agency firm:    代理会社{だいり がいしゃ}
        firm ground:    大地{だいち}、固い地盤
        on firm ground:    堅い地面{じめん}の上に[で]、足元{あしもと}が強固{きょうこ}で[しっかりして]、しっかりした[確かな]根拠{こんきょ}に立脚{りっきゃく}して
        primeval:    primeval 原始 げんし 原生 げんせい
        indiscriminately:    indiscriminately 見境なしに みさかいなしに 所構わず ところかまわず 八つあたりに やつあたりに 妄りに 濫りに 猥りに みだりに やとらに
        anti-personnel land mines laid down indiscriminately:    
        antipersonnel land mines laid down indiscriminately:    無差別{むさべつ}に設置{せっち}された対人地雷{たいじん じらい}
        should fish or cut bait:    どちらか決断する
        give someone an inch and he takes a mile:    (人)に少し譲歩するとつけあがってさらに要求{ようきゅう}する
        down to the ground:    徹底的に、完全に、十分に、全く、すべての点で


  1. "he takes no account of time" 意味
  2. "he takes no interest in his clothes" 意味
  3. "he takes out his frustration on me when things go badly at work" 意味
  4. "he takes pleasure in flouting social convention" 意味
  5. "he takes pleasure in the many distractions of the city" 意味
  6. "he takes the wheel, and steers the great ship of his business through the heavy seas of modern competition" 意味
  7. "he takes two baths a day, night and morning. 1" 意味
  8. "he talked a lot about the accident" 意味
  9. "he talked about his adventure as if he were a conquering hero" 意味
  10. "he takes pleasure in flouting social convention" 意味
  11. "he takes pleasure in the many distractions of the city" 意味
  12. "he takes the wheel, and steers the great ship of his business through the heavy seas of modern competition" 意味
  13. "he takes two baths a day, night and morning. 1" 意味

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